BREEAM and Code - Turnkey Service


Outsourcing BREEAM and Code Projects

Most major developers, even though they have staff qualified as Code assessors, outsource the majority of their Code work.   In addition to an actual code assessment, there is often the need for related services such as daylighting calculations, renewable energy feasibility studies and Home User Guides. 

We can manage the whole code process, including seeking quotes  for the various supplementary reports. This will save you time and money, as we are experienced at  providing briefs for this work. As your assessors, we would need to check all the information for compliance so it makes sense to bring the co-ordination for all related services together.

Outsourcing Your BREEAM and Code Department

We offer a complete Code for Sustainable Homes service, effectively allowing you to outsource all your Code requirements to us. We acts as your Code Department, helping to review and modify specifications and drawings for Code compliance, set up the necessary systems, help with PQQ submissions, attend design team meetings, advise on specific issues such as Surface Water Runoff Compliance, register your projects and complete your Code assessments.

To book a course or for more information, please contact:

Steven Knight  T: 0207 608 5524

Or register your interest here